Electrolysis Contraindications

Recently I had someone contact me for an appointment and she wanted to bring her 80-something mother along with her. I was informed to be very careful with the mother because she has a pacemaker. Although I know there was no risk that electrolysis on the chin could interfere with the pacemaker I declined to see the mother unless she cleared it with her doctor first.

Electrolysis Contraindications – Pacemaker

electrolysis contraindications

A pacemaker is one electrolysis contraindication.

In the product manual for a pacemaker, diathermy (electrically induced heat) is listed as a potentially harmful procedure for anyone wearing a pacemaker. The diathermy treatments they refer to in the manual are delivered using much higher currents and also impact a much larger area than electrolysis treatments. Electrolysis is very target specific so interference with the mechanics of the pacemaker as a result of electrolysis is pretty unlikely, thus, wearing a pacemaker is not a barrier to receiving electrolysis treatment.

I think it’s the anxiety that was more of a concern for me if I were to treat this 89-year-old woman with a pacemaker. Many people are a little nervous before their first electrolysis treatments because it seems as though it will hurt more than it actually does. In fact, when her daughter came for her appointment she said her mother was doing the mental exercises to prepare herself for the pulse of the electrolysis machine. 🙂

If you wear a pacemaker and are considering electrolysis hair removal, please provide a doctor’s note prior to attending your first appointment.

Electrolysis Contraindications – Pregnancy

I personally have no qualms about treating pregnant women. I advise pregnant women to take a break from treatment though for the simple reason that they are likely to be much more sensitive to pain during pregnancy, thus, the treatments may not be very comfortable for them. Of course, the effects of pregnancy are highly individual and some women may not be more sensitive to pain.

Electrolysis Contraindications – Moles (also referred to as Nevi)

electrolysis contraindications - moles

Hairy moles are commonly treated using electrolysis.

Moles often grow hair and it can be fairly long and strong too! There is no problem treating the hair in moles. I advise clients to have their moles checked by a dermatologist either before or after to be sure that there is no malignancy in the mole. Other than that, treating a mole is just like treating any other patch of skin.

Other Electrolysis Contraindications

AIDS and/or Hepatitis:This risk of passing along either of these diseases through an electrolysis treatment is virtually nil (and none has been recorded although my health care providers recommended I get the Hep B vaccine because Hep B is highly contagious to me if my client has it), however, a client should disclose their status to the electrologist so they can take necessary precautions to avoid accidental needle jabs. A properly educated professional will not deny you services because of your status.

Acne, warts, eczema or other skin lesions: Electrolysis on skin that is inflamed will most likely hurt and the outcome may not be predictable. Electrolysis can be performed near a pimple, but not directly in a pimple. It’s best to wait until your skin has cleared up if you’re suffering from any skin irritation. Deep ingrowns are not the preserve of electrologists and I do not recommend anyone digging out ingrowns in the creases of the neck. I never, ever dig out deep ingrowns and neither should you. EVER.

Electrolysis is a very safe, minimally invasive procedure with few, if any, outright contraindications. If you are unsure about receiving electrolysis hair removal because of a pre-existing condition then the safest thing is for you to present your electrologist with a medical clearance letter prior to your first appointment.

Further Reading:

Electrolysis Body Hair Removal Is Absolutely Possible

Electrolysis Didn’t Work For Me

Electrolysis Gone Wrong

Electrolysis Toronto