Can I Get Electrolysis While Pregnant or Nursing?

Yes, a thousand times yes. There is no reason to discontinue electrolysis while pregnant or nursing because your reproductive system has nothing to do with the hair follicle. So many doctors tell perfectly healthy women with perfectly normal pregnancies to stop electrolysis. They do this, in my opinion, because a) they don’t know what electrolysis is or how it actually works, and b) it’s just safer and easier for them to give a blanket no to everything.

While your pregnancy is a miracle to you it really isn’t that special. For millennia women have had babies because that’s just what we do. Across cultures, across time, in famine, sickness, war – our bodies are designed to create life, sometimes against all odds. Some might even say it’s a biological imperative. (Cue the laughter for anyone born before 1990.)

I just don’t understand how anyone can think a low level of electrical current delivered directly into the hair follicle with a needle that is 4/1000th of an inch in diameter can impact what’s going on in the uterus. You will continue to use your cell phone, sit in front of a computer, use microwaves, makeup, skin and hair care while pregnant yet electrolysis has been around longer than all of those technologies and, for some reason, it’s a question mark.

Life is precious, but it also isn’t. Your body wants to be pregnant, it isn’t looking for a reason to expel your baby. You don’t become an invalid when you’re pregnant, you can still do all the things you did before it’s just you have someone else along for the ride now.

The best argument in favour of electrolysis during pregnancy is my client (a midwife) who came to me in her 39th week of pregnancy so I could treat her belly and areola because she wouldn’t have time to do it afterwards. That’s really the reason to do as much as possible before you give birth (or get out of the newborn phase), you may not have the time or inclination to do it for months, or even years, afterwards.

Electrolysis Toronto