Do I Need Electrolysis Hair Removal?

The question of whether you need electrolysis hair removal is highly subjective. Of course, no one needs to remove any facial or body hair. Fair or not, however, there are a variety of social reasons to display as little hair as possible whether you are a man or woman. I never advocate a completely hairless look, it’s just not something I find aesthetically pleasing on either women or men, with the exception of a few areas like underarms, ears, between the brows and lower legs. And toes and chins too. 🙂

How To Decide Whether You Need Electrolysis Hair Removal

Committing some time and money to electrolysis makes sense if you’re a woman who is already tweezing a few strays on her chin, cheeks or upper lip. It is a fact that you will get more hair because both waxing and tweezing the face stimulate hair growth. Many women also grow facial hair as they move through middle age and menopause. If you remove the few hairs you have now, you may be able to avoid denser growth in the future. The occasional new hair may pop up after you complete your electrolysis treatment schedule because of the hormone fluctuations throughout pregnancy or menopause, but if you gain control of the problem early on, you won’t have to invest as much time or money to treat strays as they appear.

In addition to saving you time in front of the mirror every day(tweezing can be a 20-30 minute chore once a woman has been doing it a few years), your skin will improve once you remove the hair permanently with electrolysis hair removal. Coarse chin hair usually irritates the follicle opening so there is a red or brown mark everywhere you are growing hair. Acne is also common where there is coarse hair growth, either from ingrown hairs or the general inflammation of hair follicles sprouting coarse hair.

Electrolysis hair removal is a good solution for people who can’t get a close shave or a wax that lasts longer than a week, particularly on the underarms and bikini line. If you always have a bit of stubble after shaving or waxing, then electrolysis hair removal will give you a better result all around. Your skin will be smoother and less irritated if you get rid of the hair permanently. Areas like the underarms and bikini line are very easy to clear using electrolysis hair removal.

There is a common skin condition called Keratosis Pilaris that causes the opening of hair follicles to become inflamed because of a build up of skin.

Inflamed hair follicles can be improved by electrolyis hair removal

Example of reddish, inflamed hair follicles on legs caused by Keratosis Pilaris

Exfoliating can improve the appearance and feeling of the skin in the short term, but permanent removal of the hair is the only way to clear up the irritated follicle permanently. Once the hair stops growing, there is no place for the skin to build up, and thus, the follicle doesn’t get irritated and display that angry red colour. So if you’re a lady who has been in long pants since puberty, just know that electrolysis hair removal is a sure thing to get you into shorts next summer. Those red bumps will be replaced by smooth, poreless skin once the hair has been zapped!

Further Reading:

Electrolysis vs Laser

Electrolysis Contraindications

Electrolysis Toronto