How Do I Know If Electrolysis Will Work For Me?

Electrolysis Success Rate

There is a lot of confusion out there about hair removal methods and how they work. Due to the prominence laser hair removal a lot of people confuse the limitations of laser with electrolysis. As I’ve stated before electrolysis can work for every hair everywhere, so the electrolysis success rate will be 100% if you keep regular appointments and refrain from tweezing and waxing your face or body hair. In contrast to laser, all colours and textures of hair can be treated with electrolysis.

How To Measure Your Electrolysis Success Rate

How can you be sure that electrolysis is really working? The electrolysis success rate can vary wildly based on the ethics, skill and tools of each practitioner. Electrolysis needs at least 4-6 months of regular appointments to yield results so how can you assess your practitioner in the interim?

The most important aspect of a successful electrolysis treatment is that the hair releases without pulling. On the odd follicle there might be a little bit of traction and that’s ok, but your electrologist should achieve a clean release on the overwhelming amount of hair. You should not feel any tugging and ideally the hair should release with the shaft still intact. If you do feel a tug, a pull or a pop, then you are very likely paying for professional tweezing, rather than electrolysis. There is one well-known professional plucker in downtown Toronto and she works so fast you’d wouldn’t be able to tell she’s tweezing the hair so it’s not that easy to gauge unless you can really feel the pinch when the hair is removed.

Electrolysis Success Rate - epilated hair

Electrolysis Success Rate depends on proper insertion and removal of hairs – this is an epilated hair with the shaft still intact.

Electrolysis takes an investment of both time and money before you see results. In order to improve your electrolysis success rate seek out someone who specializes in electrolysis, works with high-quality vision equipment and, most importantly, has enough confidence in their technique to give you an accurate prediction of the time your treatment will take.

Further Reading:

Electrolysis Contraindications

Electrolysis Kill Rate – What Is It And Why Does It Matter?

Electrolysis Ethics

Electrolysis Toronto